Monday, October 5, 2009

Why Hire a Planner #2: Your Planner can save your sanity while saving you money!

It is no surprise that weddings can be so stressful. There are a million details, and each one can have a multitude of options. What is going to be best for your wedding, and where are you going to find the best deal? How do you find a moderately priced baker to fit into the budget that has to include your extravagantly priced photographer (who in most cases is worth every penny)? How many caterers do you have to meet with before you can find the one that has everything you need while fitting into that same budget?

These are all items that the professional Wedding Planner does on a daily basis. It is our job to find you the best vendors for your specific event and budget. This sometimes means calling in favors to fit that perfect DJ into your wedding budget (gratitude to both Randal Stout and Randy Roberson!!!). We meet with these vendors on a monthly basis and keep in touch to find ways to make your wedding dollars work magic for your event. And, you have not even had to break a sweat.

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